Aventurine Gemstone Beads

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Aventurine is the stone of self-discipline, zest for life and helps circulatory health.

Healing properties and meaning of aventurine

Aventurine is part of the Quartz family and has different types. In general, aventurine helps circulatory health. Read below the specific effects of the most common types of aventurine:

Blue aventurine: a stone of self-discipline and inner strength. This means that you learn to see how your actions/thoughts have created your current reality (by playing a victim role) and you can change it. It has a calming effect - especially for women, blue aventurine can balance the hormones.

Green aventurine: gives confidence during new situations and helps you through ups & downs. Green aventurine helps you find hope and joy in everyday life. Physically, it would repair cells and stimulate new growth in general.

Red aventurine: would increase your vitality and therefore stamina. Red aventurine restores a sense of humor and helps to forgive yourself. It would promote family harmony and help to remain decisive during a conflict.

How to use aventurine

In addition to our charms, connectors and beads with which you can make beautiful jewellery, there are other uses. You can always carry the stone in your pocket. It is thought that you can then 'use' the beautiful properties of agate at any time.

How to care for my aventurine

Aventurine can be taken care of in different ways. For example, you can charge it in moonlight. Or cleanse it in water; since aventurine's hardness is around 7, it’s safe to put it in water for short periods.

Where does aventurine come from?

Aventurine can be found in Brazil, India, Austria, Russia, Italy and Tanzania.


The name aventurine comes from the Italian 'Ventura', a type of glass that was discovered around 1700.

Which birthstone and horoscope fits aventurine

Blue aventurine: Taurus, Virgo, Gemini.
Green aventurine: Aries.
Red aventurine: Aries, Virgo, Libra.

Of course any stone can be good for you. Sense it and see which one(s) you like.

Which chakra fits aventurine

Blue aventurine: third eye (6th).
Green aventurine: heart (4th).
Red aventurine: coccyx (1st), sacrum (2nd), third eye (6th).

The color and shape of aventurine

Aventurine is mainly found in three colors: blue, green and red. The blue color is caused by inclusions of copper silicates. Green aventurine owes its color to microscopic "fuchsite particles" in the quartz. Those particles are the green variety of the gemstone called Muscovite. In red aventurine, the color comes from inclusions of hematite, which give a sparkling effect.

Chemical composition: SiO2 (silicon dioxide)
Mohs hardness: 7
Density: 2.64-2.69